Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I recently came into possession of intelligencia that indicates a disturbing fact; the human race should be nuked.

Sure, we go on trying to get a little better, but people just suck in general; political parties, infomercials, wastes of all types and glowing, burning, gurgling forms that kills us slow or fast, foods that have the nutritional values of plastic, plastic that has the nutritional value of food, bad sex, sex that's good when it's bad, diseases of all varieties, cruelty, torture, business that encourages war and worse, war that encourages business, game shows, "reality" TV, "Unreality" TV, childhoods that suck and things that suck away childhoods, lying, cheating, murder, rape, death and worse taxes which can last AFTER death, religions that are no better than politics and politics that is no better than religions and worst of all...


worst of all...a lack of common sense about everything...because sense is NOT common.

I have had it.

I move to strike the set.

I move to stop the movie.

I move that we stop this car and all get out...

Only one thing stops me from wanting to stop, from really wanting to pack it in...

Well, make that several things:

Humor mostly, and a little hope, many friends and the knowledge that evil is not what we think it is; evil, dear friends, is when people that say they're NOT evil convince you that YOU ARE...and then you realize that the roles are reversed, they're full of shit. You know, then they know, then they're screwed. The play the mindfuck game of making you think that the enemy is in the mirror, but they're only partially right. The reason they do it is to make you fearful, because then, THEN...you don't think. You don't see. See them for what they are, then let them starve on your knowledge; the well dries up, the supply runs cold and they have nothing left to work with.

RISE UP in the only way we can; see them, detest them and let them suffer in the best way, the most permanent way; make them vanish, give them nothing, let them die from your knowledge of their shittiness; it's not revenge, it's just common sense;) Wage the war that wins and let them starve on their own stupidity.

Mentality, the fresh-maker...

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